1. Without the guardian, the work is not done only under the supervision of the spouse.
2. It is forbidden to give any kind of misinformation to each other. You will bear the responsibility for the wrong information. Life Partner BD can never be blamed in that case.
3. The total registration fee has to be paid at the time of registration and the registration fee is non-refundable.
4. Life Partner BD will provide a maximum of 1 (one) year service for you after depositing the fee against the said registration.
5. Customer support is required for the presence of a representative of Life Partner bd at the ceremony.
6. After the couple chooses each other, the parents have to make a decision as soon as possible with the consent of both the parties through sincerity through communication.
7. If a member is already acquainted with each other after the meeting and arranges the marriage without informing us, then the member must pay all the money due to Life Partner bd
8. We must try to be present at all the events of the marriage organization such as bug-donation, gaye halud, biye, walima etc. It is the duty of the Life Partner bd to make it a success and we must provide the opportunity for the institutional promotion of the Life partner bd
9. As a proof of the success of the marriage organized through Life partner BD, the customer should not have any objection in promoting the various social media and online sites of the organization such as pictures, videos etc.
10. The company will continue its activities in accordance with the appropriate rules. No pressure can be exerted on the company to provide services or marriage.
11. Violation of any of the conditions mentioned will force the Life partner bd to take recourse to the law through its own lawyer. THE COOPERATION OF PARENTS AND SPOUSES IS DESIRABLE TO PERFORM THE GOOD WORK
12. Birth, death, marriage are in the hands of God Almighty, try us, the decision is yours. After all our efforts, it is your responsibility to accept whatever the outcome may be. Please refrain from abusing any customer, representatives of the organization. The rest of your life is the best time of your life.